
Create Job ads with Videos and Images. Share your company culture and values with potential candidates. Experience the power of multimedia job postings with our cutting-edge platform. Share your open positions on your website, and social media. Integrate stunning Job Ads in any website or job board or embed them anywhere.

FreeCHF 0
  • 1 Job Ad
  • Unlimited Managment Accounts
  • Company Profile
  • Integration of Videos & Pictures
  • Integration in your website
  • Integration into job boards
  • Analytics and Reports
Get Started
BasicCHF 20/month
  • Unlimited Job Ads
  • Unlimited Managment Accounts
  • Company Profile
  • Integration of Videos & Pictures
  • Integration in your website
  • Integration into job boards
  • Analytics and Reports

Boost your application rate by 34% with Videos and Images

Can't find the right formula for your needs, or have a specific idea in mind? We can produce any type of video with our team of experts. Let's talk about it.

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